Hanna Kleber has been the moderator of the event “Mastering Transformation within the New EU Border Control Landscape (ETIAS & EES)” (on Tuesday, 05 March 2024 at Blue Stage).
Speakers have been Alexandre Costa Goncalves, ETIAS Team Leader, Frontex/ ETIAS Central Unit Division; Marie-Caroline Laurent, Director General, Europe, CLIA; Mathias Jakobi, Manager Central Europe, IATA; Thorsten Schmidt-Look, Projektgruppe Smart Borders BPOL, Bundespolizeipräsidium; Dr. Ira Fernández-Lázaro, Senior Executive Strategic Planning & Passenger Experience Aviation Management, Flughafen Düsseldorf GmbH.
With the introduction of the European Travel Information and Authorization System (ETIAS) and the Entry Exit System (EES), the travel industry is facing a significant transformation of EU border controls that affects both carriers and travelers alike. This panel discussion, initiated with an informative keynote by Frontex, provides a comprehensive introduction to the functioning and benefits of these new systems, as well as their impact on carriers and travelers. The subsequent round of discussions aims to achieve transparency regarding the implementation of the systems through collective dialogue and to thoroughly explore the resulting consequences for the travel industry. The goal is to develop a detailed understanding of the necessary adjustments to the new regulations and at the same time lay the groundwork for a smooth travel experience in the future.